Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dress Du Jour

I thought it's about time I actually got round to posting, so I'll start with a little Summer ensemble. This is my favourite summer dress (so far), it has a pretty delicate floral pattern that is quite subtle. Like I said previously I loath bright colours or crazy patterns, I much prefer a simple pattern and muted colours.

 I purchased this vintage pocket watch pendant from a car boot sale a few weeks ago for just £2. I attached it to a long gold chain and voila! I think I like the idea that it must have a story behind it, like with all vintage peices it obviously belonged to someone else, so it makes you wonder.

I apologise for the terrible location of these and future photgraphs, unfortunately this is the only available space in my bedroom and I'm not brave enough to venture out into the big wide world with my camera yet.

Outfit Details

Dress - Primark
Watch Pendant - Thrifted
Tan Wedges - Thrifted
