Monday, August 9, 2010

Pamplemousse and Giveaway Winner

I read somewhere that pamplemousse is a term for a woman's breasts in French or a French woman's breasts, one of the two, but I'm not trying to be rude, Pamplemousse is the brand of my new dress.

I won this dress on eBay a few weeks ago for the meagre sum of £2.99 and it still had the tags on, needless to say I'm very happy with it and have already worn it twice.

I have decided that I am going to attempt and look a little happier or at the very least more awake in my next pictures. I had to use my old camera again for these, but considering it was almost dark outside they're not too bad.

Outfit Details
Dress - eBay (Pamplemousse)
Pearls - Primark
Locket - H&M
Knee High Socks - Primark
Heeled Brogues - Thrifted


The winner of the vintage jewellery giveaway is...(drumroll please)...

Laura from As if by Magic
(Comment No.14)

Congratulations Laura!!