Monday, September 13, 2010

Ashley guest post

I am so excited to be guest posting today at Design Dazzle.

I am Ashley, the face and voice behind Simply Designing.


My blog is a fun, active blog that covers everything from crafts to interior design, recipes to floral design, home decor to seasonal items.  I also focus on a lot of child and baby items and write a lot of tutorials.  In addition, I host a weekly Friday link up party.  I keep very busy around there!

But today, I wanted to share a unique baby shower that I recently hosted with you.  This shower was not for a first-time mother and so I didn't want it to be a traditional "baby" shower.  I wanted it to be a bit more fun and spunky, so we had a very fun Ice Cream Party!

(homemade chocolate waffle bowls...yum!)


Happy Designing!
