I've enjoyed using a ClearPlay DVD player in my home for many years - so I though I would share with my readers what it's all about. ClearPlay filters out offensive dialog and movie scenes that show sexual situations, profanity, nudity, brutal violence and more. I really don't want foul language and inappropriate movie scenes shown in my home and this is the perfect answer.
What is ClearPlay? "ClearPlay is a DVD player that enables your family to enjoy all of the great Hollywood movies you’ve always wanted to watch—without all of the junk you don’t want. The ClearPlay DVD player seamlessly skips and mutes content based on 12 categories that you can set. ClearPlay Filters are hand-crafted by at team of Filter Developers who watch the movie and masterfully select where the player will remove content. ClearPlay works with thousands of movies. New Filters are generally made available the same day as new releases. Filters are then made available to members via a very easy-to-use download process. You can then copy the entire Filter library to your FilterStik™. Once inserted into your ClearPlay player any movie will automatically be filtered."
The DVD is never physically altered during the process. You can watch a DVD movie you own or rent and the DVD player will play it like a regular player; before you watch the movie, you can select which content you want to filter. The only thing you change is the items you don't want to watch in the movie i.e. violence, strong profanity, explicit drug use, sexual situations, etc.
The DVD player is reasonably priced. The ClearPlay fee is $7.99 a month or $79.99 a year. Well worth the money for my home to be a safe haven from garbage in movies... my kids get enough garbage from other environments. I don't want to see offensive material and certainly don't want my children to view it either.