It was perfect, I got lots of lovely things (I got a BlackBerry! I seriously understand why people call them 'crackberrys' now. I have only had mine for 3 days and I'm already addicted) and spent it with lots of friends, family, champagne and cake.
Also my Mum got me a years subscription to Vogue, which I know you fellow fashion bloggers will appreciate.
So now I can legally:
-have sex
-join the armed forces
-drive a tractor
-change my name
-have beer or cider whilst eating a meal in a restaurant or pub
-ride a moped
-buy a lottery ticket
-and get married (but with my parents consent)
How exciting.
And to celebrate turning 16 I thought I'd share 16 of my favourite things, so in no particular order:
Glitter, Kate Moss, dalmations, Tim Walker photographs, The Guardian, TopShop, Obama, Harry Potter, Christopher Kane, Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando (my favourite painting- it's by Degas) sunflowers, Juno, Dazed and Confused, Beyonce, Revolutionary Road (favourite book) and last but by no means least, cups of tea.
They all look so random when they are put in the same list but there you go.
Care to share your favourite things? You can narrow it down to 5 if you want, I would love to hear them :)
Hugs and kisses
Beth Ruby xoxoxoxo