Saturday, August 28, 2010

OOTD - Denim Shirt!

So, technically, this isn't really an outfit of the day, it's from a couple of weeks ago when my lovely friend Roisin was moving back to (one of my favourite places in the world atm) Brighton. She is originally from there but has lived here for ten(?) years. I'm not quite sure the actual length of time but it's been quite a while. Anyway I miss her quite a bit after spending the majority of the starting months of my summer with her. Hope she's having a brilliant time, I've been awful with keeping in touch.

Roisin is on the left, the beauty and Lucy is my friend, the one on the right. I love Lucy's face in this she looks in her element, or much like this fellow..

She doesn't normally look like this AT ALL I must reiterate this fact, she is very pretty, but it's just this photo. I've probably embarrassed her loads now but I love her and she is REALLY pretty, its just the angle.

Anyway I'm using these photos as my camera is still broke, the tutorial didn't work, Ill either have to look at getting a new camera, or taking it to a better, less lazy camera shop that might be willing to actually help me rather than try and sell me a new camera just to make money. I also had to take this picture above using my laptop webcam, really sorry about the quality on that!

Mmmm noice sexy pose going on there Gem, better keep that bad boy to myself next time... NAT.

Denim Shirt - Primark
Floral Dress - New Look
Leggins - M&S
Converse - Schuh
Brown Belt - Dorothy Perkins
Slouch Bag - New Look
Necklace - Muse
It was quite humid at the time, and I am what is known as a chronic sweater. Its not a medical condition I'm just quite sweaty. I'm sorry to tell you that disgusting fact about myself anyway. I needed a light outfit and leggins almost always comes into light outfits as I'm not a fan of the tops of my legs (but I am quite taken by my shapely calves if I do say so myself ;)) Anyway I teamed my denim shirt with a floral top and a brown belt. I wanted quite a casual laid back outfit as it was a Sunday afternoon for a pub lunch. Teamed with my trusty converse as always, which I need a new pair of after two/three years as I have a little hole where my little toe pokes out when it gets too hot, cheeky little toe.

(Thanks to Adele for taking these photos, my love!)

The denim shirt has been such a versatile look, I have worn it with everything (see my last OOTD post) and anything including (SHOCK HORROR) A DENIM SKIRT. Note: I am totally against double denim but as the two denims were different, light shirt, dark denim high waisted skirt, I THINK I avoided looking like a total 80's cowboy remixed.

I quite like the vintage retro style of oversized painters denim shirt, and have been on the look out for one on ebay. They toughen up a girly dress or add a casual edge to an otherwise pretty outfit. They're great for layering up when it gets chilly, especially now (even in August!!?) And look great tucked into denim skirts or shorts like I tried out.

How do you wear your denim shirts? Are you a loverrr of the double denim look or do you think it always will and always has been a fashion mistake!?

Thanks for reading, and commenting really apprecciate it!
