Sunday, November 14, 2010

Long Time No Blog...

Hello fellow Bloggers,

It’s been along time since I last updated my beloved blog and I would like to apologise for that. I won't go into too much detail regarding my absence simply because this is a fashion blog not a ‘how shit my life is’ blog, but almost a month ago I split with my boyfriend.

Although I’m doing ok now, I thought it would be a good idea if I spent a bit more time in the big wide world, meeting new people and catching up with friends I’ve not seen in a while.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love blogging and have no desire to stop, but I thought a little break would be the best thing for me at the time.

Anyway I’ve found some old(ish) outfit photos to share with you, they’re not my best, but something to keep the blog ticking over hopefully.

Before I go, I just wanted to thank all my loyal readers for sticking with me.

Outfit Details

Black Blouse - Primark - £6
Oversized Tan Sweater - Thrifted - £3
Pleated Maxi Skirt - Thrifted - £3
Tan Belt - Primark - £1.50
Gold Pendant - Gifted
Gold Bracelets  - Primark - £2

Total Outfit Cost - £15.50
