Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Sunday Session #3

~ Outfit Details ~

Vintage Crochet T-Shirt -Thrifted
Denim Shorts - Primark
Tan Leather Belt - H&M
Parka - H&M
Scarf - Primark
Rings - Miss Selfridge, eBay and H&M
Cameo Pendant - Primark (customised)
Brogues - Peacocks

...This week I have...

Loved...getting my craft on, I have so many little projects coming up that I can't wait to share with you.
Loathed...annoying phone conversations with call centres on the other side of the world.
Purchased...a few little trinkets from charity stores including picture frames, glass dishes and china teacups.
Eaten...way too much takeaway food, McDonald's, KFC, Chinese you name it, I've eaten it.
Visited...a friends house for Mexican food with the girls, and my favourite bar in town on Friday night.
Listened to...not much, I've been far too busy.
Been above, but with a few articles from Glamour magazine on the odd occasion.
Felt Inspired by...Alexa Chung's recent outfits (just like everyone else I know).
Been wishing for...a smaller waist (I really need to start a diet). myself on the IFB Links a la mode list.
Discovered...blogs Sarah Wayne and Little Blog of Horrors, definitely worth a look.
